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Organisation/IWA AGM/Minutes 2009

Minutes of the International Windsurfing Association Annual General Meeting
held on Monday, 24th August 2009, 19.30 hrs.
at the WPNSA, Portland, UK.

1. Welcome and registration of votes
Representatives of national class associations from the following countries were present:
The meeting was established as quorate.

Representing the Executive Committee of IWA were:
Jean-Francois Reggio (IMCO) - President
Ceri Williams (IFWC) - Executive Secretary
John Ellis - Treasurer
Bruno de Wannemaeker (IFCA)
Ezio Ferin (Techno 293)
Marc Cardon (FE)
Paul Leone (Raceboard)
Vinci Pottino

2. Minutes of last meeting, and any matters arising
There were no matters arising.

3. Presentation of annual report
The association provides day to day administration for member ISAF windsurfing classes on request and by mutual agreement. This includes receiving electronic registrations for class championships; the preparation of a unified calendar; updating and publishing a joint class yearbook containing class rules and other important class information; sending out a monthly electronic newsletter; and maintaining individual class websites and a joint website as a central news and information hub.
The main aims of the association are to
• Maintain the highest possible technical standards at international regattas;
• Build a worldwide corporate identity for the sport;
• Establish clear development policies;
• Act to strengthen the bonds between classes;
• Resolve conflicts of interest;
• Create a development fund using surplus class income;
• Establish a reputation for prudent financial management.

During the year, the association assisted the classes to organise, in collaboration with local organisers and sanctioned Tour organisers, the following events:
• ISWC - Speed World Tour
• IFCA Slalom World Championships - Capetown, South Africa
• IFCA Junior, Youth, Masters Slalom World Championships - Lake Garda, Italy
• IFCA European Freestyle Championships - EPFT, Tour
• IFWC Youth & Masters World Championship and Festival - Ancon, Peru
• IFWC Youth & Masters European Championship and Festival - Bandol, France
• IFWC European Championship - Leba, Poland
• IFWC World Championship - Portimao, Portugal
• Formula Experience World Championships - Ancon, Peru
• Formula Experience European Championships - Bandol, France
• Raceboard Youth & Masters World Championship - Sopot, Poland
• Raceboard Youth & Masters European Championship - Civitavecchia, Italy
• Techno 293 World Championship - Sopot, Poland
• Techno 293 Europeans - Civitavecchia, Italy

4. Presentation of Accounts for 2008
The treasurer, John Ellis, presented the accounts.
The Accounts  show an improvement on the previous year, with a small surplus recorded.
Income and Expenditure document shows a breakdown of activity by class.

5. Financial report on 2009
The 2009 IWA Budget makes provision for an increased surplus at year end, and the IWA.
The Treasurer provided a summary of
Income and Expenditure for period 1st January to
 31st July 2009 which projected a surplus of 8,097 euro.

6. Review of annual membership subscriptions
There was no proposal to change the current rates of subscription.
Membership renewals would be sent out in December - due by January 1st.

The presidency of the IWA rotates around the Class Representatives (Vice Presidents) on the Executive Committee.
Ezio Ferin (Techno 293) will take up the presidency in 2010 and will be Chairman of the Executive Committee.



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