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Organisation/IWA AGM/Minutes 2003

The Minutes of the Annual General meeting of the International Windsurfing Association limited held at Villa Stella, Torbole, Lake Garda, Italy on Friday July 11th at 1830hrs





(Classes represented)




Peter Krimbacher



Bruno de Wannemaeker



Kamen Filyov



Ernst Schliemann



Marc Cardon



John Ellis



Diederik Bakker



Walter Mielke



Joe Gallagher



Ezio Ferrin



Lieuwe Faber



Peter Munzlinger


Yes Sails

Paul Leone



Rory Ramsden


Exec. Sec.


1. Welcome & Apologies

1.1 There were no matters arising.

1.2 The minutes of the last meeting were approved


 2.  Annual report

2.1 Ceri Williams explained that the meeting was under some time constraints due to the unforeseen Gala Dinner organised by the CST to honour Steffi Wagner. He went on to explain that the IWA had had a busy year and had made good progress. Evidence of this was the publication of a long board competition structure agreed by the classes concerned; the work still taking place to develop a similar structure for short board competition; the joint classes submission to ISAF setting out an agreed policy for the selection of new equipment for 2008; the consultation with the industry undertaken by the IWA which showed that brands were in broad support of the white board policy (App. # 1) and finally the contacts with the international “Connect to Sailing” (App. # 2) task force which have lead to the involvement of the sport in perhaps the single most important initiative that the ISAF have taken to secure the future of sailing in a competitive market place.

2.2  A more detailed progress report is made by the Executive Secretary later in the meeting.


 3. Presentation of the Audited Accounts & financial report for the year ended December 31st 2002

3.1 John Ellis gave a brief overview of the accounts for 2002.. Important points included

  • a)       The IWA increased revenue and expenditure markedly over the previous year reflecting a strong increase in activity;
  • b)       The IWA had employed an administration manager and an Executive Secretary to support member classes and provide professional back up;
  • c)       The IWA made a loss of Euro 10,000. 60% of this was made up by the deposit paid by the IWA on the first part of the consultation exercise wit the industry;
  • d)       Net current assets stand at Euro 47,000 ,which is a crucial figure as it proves that the organisation is solvent.

3.2 On a proposal by Diederik Bakker, the meeting unanimously approved the accounts for 2002.


 4. Appointment of legal advisor and auditor 2003/4.

4.1 Ceri Williams confirmed that, in the UK,  the appointment of an auditor and a legal advisor for a company of the size of the IWA is not a legal requirement. John Ellis acts as the honorary treasurer and auditor. He is a qualified accountant. There being no questions about or objections to the continuance of this policy. The matter was closed.


 5. Presentation of the IWA budget (inc. member class budgets) for 2003/4; and forward plan for 2004

5.1 The budget for 2004 is planned to be ready for the next board meeting in November and will be in place for January 1st  2004.


6. Review of membership subscriptions

6.1 There being no proposals to increase the annual class fees, it was agreed that they should remain the same.

6.2 Michel Quistinic, the industry representative, was responsible for agreeing a corporate membership package with his fellow industry members. Sadly he has resigned due to pressure of work so no real progress has been made to attract industry membership.

6.3 Associate membership proposals will be circulated in 2004.


7. Reports of sub committees and officers:

a) Executive Secretary’s Report

Rory Ramsden confirmed that it had been a busy year in the office.

  • The drafting of the proposed new RRS Appendix B had taken up a considerable amount of time with many people having input to the updating of this document so that it now encompasses all windsurfing disciplines and formats. He especially thanked Kamen Filyov (BUL) for his time and effort.
  • A format document had been prepared and distributed to the meeting, which outlined a possible new format for the Olympic Class from 2005 onwards. This included downwind slalom and long distance racing. The inclusion of these formats would make Olympic windsurfing more relevant to the average windsurfer and  more media friendly.  RR confirmed that many voices in the ISAF Council’s mid year meeting in favour of allowing windsurfers to choose the format for the Olympics they wished as long as no were subject to judging (no freestyle of wave performance)
  • A document highlighting the strengths of windsurfing and re-enforcing its presence in the line of Olympic events has been distributed to all national authorities. Many have responded by stating that they will continue to support windsurfing’s cause. Others have made submissions to the ISAF November conference confirming their support.
  • The unified calendar continues to be produced;
  • The format of the IWA Yearbook was  modified slightly this year; a CD-ROM version has also been produced.
  • All local organisers of events are now being presented with a standard agreement covering the major divisions of responsibility between the class(s) concerned and the LOA. No problems were being encountered.
  • The IWA now carries indemnity insurance to cover all of its named volunteers (Measurers, class race supervisors etc…)
  • IMCO, the MJOD and the Raceboard class have transferred their websites tot eh same server as the IWA site. The Aloha Class and IFCA will soon join them. All have the same content management system and breaking news on the front page.
  • The on-line entry system is working well. The majority entries fro events are now received in this manner. The system automatically sends out a payment acknowledgement to those using the service.
  • The Windsurfing Newsletter is sent out monthly to approx 4000 subscribers.
  • Plans for the future include developing dedicated class mailing lists; subscribe buttons on each hosted website; click through counters on each website; and the redevelopment of the IWA site to give it mass appeal.

b) Events and competition sub Committee Report

Ceri Williams confirmed that the members of this group are Matthias Regber, Bruno de Wannemaeker, Ceri Williams and Rory Ramsden.

  • This group was instrumental in putting together the IWA white Paper;
  • The intention is to finalise a strategy for the structure of shortboard competition so that the role of each existing and future class is clearly defined with regard to the "disciplines & formats" for which each one is responsible;
  • Special efforts have been made to ensure that all competitors have 3 letter country codes and sail numbers on both sides of their sails at all class sanctioned events/championships
  • It has not met recently;

c) Measurement Committee Report

 Any ISAF International Measurer working on behalf of a windsurfing class is automatically a member of this group. Any e-mail sent to measurers@internationalwindsurfing.com  automatically gets distributed to the whole group so questions should be answered quickly and effectively.

  • Steven Schrier was the chairman of the group until his recent resignation due to pressure of his commitments to other charities and causes.
  • The Production Board Registration Scheme will now be managed "in house " by ISAF.


8.  Any other business.

8.1 There being no other business the meeting was closed.


Distribution:         National Windsurfing Associations

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      •       Encourage the setting up of leasing packages or similar to ensure financial barrier for clubs and small independent schools is as low as possible
      •       Develop and agree an international ‘ISAF Recognised School’ brand to be applied to ‘quality controlled’ schools;
      •       Develop PADI reporting systems and procedures;
      •       Develop pro-forma marketing strategy for these initiatives with the aid of media and holiday compani
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