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Organisation/IWA AGM/Minutes 2007

Minutes of the International Windsurfing Association Annual General Meeting

held on Wednesday, 5th September 2007, 29.00 hrs. Formentera, Spain.


Committee present:

Paul Leone - Chairman

Ceri Williams - Executive Secretary

John Ellis - Treasurer

Bruno de Wannemaeker

Marc Cardon

Ezio Ferin


1.       Welcome and registration of votes.

Belgium - 3 votes

      France - 3 votes

      Germany - 6 votes

      Great Britain - 4 votes

      Italy - 4 votes

      Poland - 4 votes


It was established that the meeting was quorate - members holding 10% of the voting rights constitute a quorum.


2. Minutes of last meeting, and any matters arising. None arising.


3. Presentation of annual report (included in accounts)

     John Ellis presented the Annual Report which summarised the activities of the Association.


4. Presentation of Accounts for 2006

   John Ellis explained that the accounts were presented in the standard format expected of companies  

   registered under UK law.


5. 2007 budget and financial report of year to date

    John Ellis also presented a paper outlining performance against budget and a projected forecast for

    year end 31st December 2007. The Executive Committee were determined to end the year on a small

    surplus; wherever possible budgeted expenditure had been halted until income from events could be


    It was agreed that finalising the 2008 championship calendar, and preparing a budget, was a priority.


6. Review of annual membership subscriptions.

    No changes were proposed for 2008.  However, more emphasis should be placed upon collecting

    national class fees as this was a vital, although small, source of revenue to the member classes.


7. Report of the Executive Secretary.

    Ceri Williams emphasised the importance of maintaining the IWA Office in order to achieve the

    aims and objectives of the IWA and its member classes.


8. Any Other Business

    It was agreed  that promotion of events (class championships) was a priority. The IWA should also be

    pursuing policies to attract additional revenue streams and to attract an official sponsor for IWA.


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