Organisation/IWA AGM/Minutes 2004 Minutes of the 2004 IWA Annual General Meeting held on May 8th at 1800 hrs. Venue-Villa Stella, Torbole, Lake Garda, Italy.
1)- Welcome. The President, Peter Krimbacher, welcomed delegates to the meeting. In his opening statement he outlined the IWA structure, summarised the 2004 objectives, and emphasised the value of the Yearbook and website. Finally he made a brief report on the meeting earlier that day with Rich Jeffries, Chairman of the Olympic Windsurfing Evaluation Team, who concluded that a satisfactory and effective trials had taken place, and the Team would be able to make a recommendation to the ISAF Events Committee at the mid year meeting in San Diego.
2)-Minutes of the 2003 General Meeting and matters arising. These had been published soon after the meeting, taken as read, and approved. There were no matters arising.
3)-Directors Annual Report. PK read a summary of the Report which was published with the Annual Accounts. The Report was approved by the delegates to the General Meeting.
4)-Presentation of Accounts and Financial Report for year end 31st Dec. 2003. JE-Honorary Treasurer –presented a summary of the Accounts, which had earlier been published on the IWA website. (see also summary in Exec Minutes) The AGM were advised of the Board of Directors decision not to request an external audit of these Accounts, and recommended acceptance of the accounts as a true and accurate record of the financial affairs of the Association. The Accounts were unanimously approved.
5)-Appointment of Auditor. JE reported to the AGM that it was not a requirement in UK Company Law for there to be an External Audit for an organisation the size of the IWA. The AGM accepted that to appoint an Auditor was an unnecessary, additional financial burden.
6)-Presentation of IWA Budget 2004. Hard copy of the budget was circulated to the meeting, and CW gave a summary of the main points. The prime concern of the Board had been to budget for a surplus at the year end ,based on a cautionary expectation of income ,and a realistic but safe estimate of expenditure.
7)-Review of membership subscriptions. No proposals for change were received from member Associations, nor presented by the Executive Committee.
8)-Reports of Sub Committees and Officers.
The committee did not meet during 2003. During the year Steven Schrier had retired, and his role of managing the ISAF Production Board Registration Scheme had moved into the ISAF Technical Department, Southampton, UK.
The Committee met once towards the end of 2003, to discuss and formulate Contracts and general rules for Tour Promoters, and ensure a co ordinated calendar beneficial to the development of competitive windsurfing. Phil McGain resigned his post on the committee, as the PWA severed links with the IWA.
The Executive Committee appointed a MSC early in 2004, delegated to manage the day to day affairs of the Association in the absence of a full time Executive Secretary for the period 1st May 2004 until 31st January 2005. The MSC comprised CW (director), AS (administrative Sec), and RR (exec Sec) who continued to be employed by the IWA on a part time basis. The management of the IWA and the role of the MSC would be reviewed during the period, and proposals made for the efficient management of the Association post Jan.2005.
9)- AOB.
The Aloha Class has announced its intention to conduct a Trial for a new piece of equipment to replace the Aloha board, since Bic Sport had announced its decision to cease production of Aloha. Marc Cardon gave an account of the Trial conducted in France and the decision to use the Bic Techno 293D in its Junior development programme from 2005. Jean Francois Reggio, representing IMCO France, gave a contrasting account of the FFV decision, and considered the decision had been too hasty. The AGM agreed the need for a universally accepted junior ie under 15, windsurfing class, essential for the development of windsurfing on an International level, whilst respecting the authority of national associations and ISAF MNAs to determine their own structures. The AGM approved the decision of the Aloha Class to conduct a Trial.
Many countries had been critical of the timing of the JYM event in Mexico 2003. Emphasis was placed upon the need to schedule such events during, or close to, school holidays; although the importance of selecting venues outside of Europe complicated the situation. The AGM approved the conduct of a Survey by IWA into holiday times worldwide and NWAs preferred dates for such Championships.
Meeting closed 20.00; to be followed by IFWC Special General Meeting |
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