Organisation/IWA AGM/Minutes 2005 Minutes of the International Windsurfing Association - Annual General Meeting
held on Wednesday, 10th August 2005 at 7.30 pm
1. Welcome and registration of votes Approximately 50 people were present including the following voting members:
The meeting was chaired by Vincenzo Pottino. He introduced the IWA Executive Committee members present. Apologies from Diederik Bakker were noted. This AGM followed a long meeting of the Executive Committee the previous evening when many issues had been discussed, including the Olympic choice and its impact on the Classes, the future of competition and regattas.
The minutes of the IWA AGM held on 8 May 2004 in Italy had been published on the IWA website and were approved by the meeting. There were no matters arising. John Ellis had circulated copy of the Directors' Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2004 and recommended acceptance of the accounts as a true and accurate record of the financial affairs of the Association.
John Ellis had circulated copy of the Financial Report 2005 as at 30 June 2005. Overall income was more than predicted but expenditure was also higher. Regrettably the subsidy which contributed towards the employment of Rory Ramsden as IWA Executive Secretary had ceased at the end of December 2005 so IWA had had to release him from employment in May 2005 with redundancy payment. Also IWA had taken on board the production of the Windsurfing Competition Rules. IWA had ensured wide circulation of the WCR at no cost, further copies would now only be available for a fee. A predicted deficit of Eur 2,000 over the next six months would mean a total deficit for the year of approximately Eur 12,000. IWA was working hard to cut costs but John Ellis stressed the importance of the representation of Class representatives at the ISAF meeting in Singapore in November. The Executive had carefully considered ways of ensuring no deficit in 2006.
This financial report was unanimously approved.
For 2006, all Classes will be Eur 100; bigger nations who send 4 or more competitors to European/International Championships will pay Eur 200.
It was hoped that this system would be seen as fairer to all National Associations and realise a moderate increase in IWA income.
The proposed structure was unanimously approved by the meeting. .
The above proposal was still under discussion by the IWA Executive Committee and therefore not put to the IWA AGM.
Ceri Williams explained that, whilst the IWA had a full board, day to day affairs had been run by a Management Sub Committee of Ceri Williams, Rory Ramsden and Annie Dollery. The IWA Executive had now replaced Rory Ramsden with Bruno de Wannemaeker.
Aware of the European bias, the Executive Committee would welcome nominations for a non-European Continental representative.
The Executive Committee would also welcome nominations for an industry representative, this position once held by the PWA and Guy Chilvers, replaced by Michel Quistenic, but vacant over the last year.
The Executive Committee had felt this document needed further discussion by the Class Chairmen with their own Classes before presentation and therefore was not available for the meeting. The intention was to finalise this document before presentation to the ISAF Windsurfing Committee and then publication. d) Coach Fees There was criticism that coaches did not receive any service in return for their fee charged for events. Team members with problems expected their coaches to be able to resolve them but coaches were themselves lacking information and support at a higher level. It was agreed there was a need for the establishment of a working communication system, the proper identification of event officials, a daily coach meeting with the Race Officer, access to the Jury and access to a properly equipped office. These suggestions to be incorporated in standard agreements with organisers to ensure facilities are provided.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.10 pm. The meeting was followed by the AGMs of MJOD and Aloha. |
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