Organisation/WS Windsurfing Trials/Appendix 1 Likely Criteria & Conditions for the 2003 ISAF Windsurfing Equipment Trials
1. Purpose 1.1 To offer a new and exciting step forward in the evolution of Olympic Windsurfing; 1.2 To evaluate boards only with the sail/rig being chosen in 2004; 1.3 To welcome new design concepts put forward by any shaper or brand; 1.4 To present the outstanding board to the 2003 ISAF Conference, which will be staged in Singapore from Nov. 7th > 16th.
2. Eligibility & Rules of an Evaluation Trial2.1 Any shaper or brand may enter one or more different hulls (no rigs) at each of the Trials for evaluation by the ISAF Evaluation Team. A shaper or brand - Does not have to enter the same hull(s) into each Trial - May modify or refine a hull between each Evaluation Trial - May enter a completely new hull in to any trial. 2.2 There is no restriction in the use of exotic materials. 5.3 A Shaper or brand shall provide three identical examples of each hull entered. Two of which will be returned at the completion of each trial. 2.4 Each hull shall be entered "at production weight" and shall be white and carry no logos. Shapers or brands shall be prepared to provide evidence that their hull is at production weight. 2.5 The Evaluation Team will place identification numbers on each hull at the beginning of each trial.
2.7 The Evaluation Team reserve the right to provide fins 2.8 The Evaluation Team reserves the right to invite further top windsurfers to assist in the testing of equipment without making them memembers of the Evaluation Team.
3. Criteria & ConditionsThe following information has been developed to assist interested parties
3.1 ISAF Criteria for Olympic windsurfing equipment 3.1.1 Racing in Olympic Sailing Classes takes places between 5 > 30 knots 3.1.2 The selected equipment - Must allow athletes around the world, of different size and weight, male and female, to participate; - Must achieve the IOC objective of a minimum of 30% participation for women; - Must give the best sailors in each country the opportunity to participate in readily accessible equipment; - Must combine both traditional and modern events and classes, to reflect, display and promote competitive sailing.
3.2 General Design Brief 3.2.1 The equipment definitions for both men and women shall be the same where possible: - Enable women to reach high levels of performance by training and possibly racing with men on equal terms; to maximize development opportunities; and reduce the number of equipment components.
3.2.2 The equipment shall conform with the criteria specified above and… - be supported by a global distribution network or networks; be accompanied by clearly defined measurement rules & tight tolerances; be restricted to 1 board, 2 fins, (1 centerboard) & 2 rigs per competitor.
3.2.3 The method of construction employed shall be durable and of a consistently uniform high quality whilst offering the best trade off between weight > performance > price. 3.2.4 The ideal weight band for men should be 70>82 Kgs and for women should be 55>70 Kgs; 3.2.5 Safety shall be considered so that - Competitors will be able to sail home unassisted in sub-racing or quickly increasing winds wind speeds; - Boards are designed to perform in large waves and chop in a "well-behaved" way; - Each rig is as durable & as light as possible whilst being easy to rig/de-rig at sea; - The fin shall be easily demountable without the aid of tools;
3.2.6 Attention should be paid to the possibility of using the same hull(s) combined with smaller rigs so that a global junior racing programme can be established at minimal cost. 3.3. Design Brief - Hull
3.4. Design Brief- Rig (s)
3.5. Conditions of selection by the ISAF3.5.1 Any board that later becomes a "production board" shall be registered on the ISAF List; 3.5.2 The board design selected by the ISAF as the one that best meets the established criteria - Shall become the property of ISAF; - May be made by more than one producer licensed by ISAF; 3.5.3 Each example of the selected hull produced shall be made from a mould taken off the master plug owned by ISAF. 3.5.4 An ISAF licensed producer shall pay the successful designer or design team a royalty at a mutually agreed percentage of the factory gate price; 3.5.5 Brands who wish to market the selected Olympic equipment may do so by paying a sponsorship fee per unit sponsored to the class concerned. Such a brand shall buy a specified number of hulls on which it may place its logo at its own expense. 3.5.6 Boards used in an Olympic regatta shall be white and carry no logo except that of the organiser.
4. Measurement4.1 Measurement and equipment checks may be made throughout a trial. 5. Entry fee5.1 The entry fee for each design entered into one trial is €uro 200 5.2 The same prototype may be entered into the two proposed trails for €uro 300 6. Contact, Registration, Entries & Payment 6.1 Registrations shall be made to ISAF Ariadne House, Town Quay, Southampton SO14 2AQ Tel:+44 2380 63511 Fax: +44 2380 635789 E-mail: jerome@isaf.co.uk 6.2 Entry fees shall be paid at the time of entry by MasterCard, Visa Card or bank transfer only. 6.3 All exchange Bank or Card charges will be added to your account. 6.4 No entry fees may be paid on site. |
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