Women/Sanna Paivarinta
Sanna Paivarinta - gives her views on officialdom and the sport ......CW - Sanna, what is your role here at the Raceboard European Championships? SP - I am the Race Officer. Here in Finland it is a role i share with Heikki; and we cover all disciplines - course racing, slalom, and even freestyle. SP - I got involved with windsurfing about 5 years ago, I was not interested in racing myself, but I was invited to help the race committee at events. Once that started I got more involved. SP - For sure I want to see the sport grow and more kids coming into competition; for that I get better qualified as an instructor, and I would like to see a structured programme introduced. SP - The future looks good. A lot of people are being introduced to windsurfing - but most are lost to competition side. The right structure needs to be introduced to embrace new blood - over the years, since the sport peaked, a generation gap has developed. The sailing and windsurfing clubs, need a new outlook. SP - I think women will continue to get more involved in the sport - at all levels - as competitors, officials, organisers. I am not campaigning for women's rights; women are free to choose what they want from life; and a healthy lifestyle is an increasingly important choice. Women have always needed to be good 'managers' and many more are applying these skills in traditionally male dominated careers and roles. |
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