Hi there all....
I am back home after spending the weekend at the Mission event in Holland. It was really good fun and a great event. The best thing was to see how many kids, and girls and women entered the event and the races and the effort the organizers actually put into these fleets. It was really good and refreshing to see! Also Laure had done a girls camp the week before over there and it was a full success: 12 girls joined and they were super stoked at the end of the week. Also, really good see so much enthusiasm from the girls windsurfing.
To me it was a bit frustrating at times. It was on a lake, and we didn't really have any wind when we had to go on the water - so they were towing us into planing. God! I definitely need some practice for that!!! total disaster for me. But men, Gollito and Tonki were absolutely insane! and Laure did some sick moves too. I definitely need some practice! It is pretty intense, cause the people are standing right there, about 5 meters from you. I was so nervous, and doing the towing thing for the first time straight away with all those people watching you from so close wasn't helping my self-confidence. But it was good fun . . .
The Saturday night party was insane too, the Dutch people know how to make a good party for sure!!! The Tombola of prizes was super fun and people were so energetic!!! you got so much energy from them - really, really good.
So yes, that was my weekend. I met some really nice people, had a good time, got totally embarrassed trying to do freestyle towed by a zodiac (if freestyle on its own wasn't enough of a challenge for me already!!!) AH! and I forgot!! the highlight of it was the jumps on the water slide!! no doubt! hehehehehe..
So, thanks to everyone at the Mission for making it happen - such a good event for the sport. |