Women/Marta wins Mendoza Marta Hlavaty (POL 111) is 2010 Formula World Champion
The 2010 Formula World Championship concluded on Saturday 27th in Potrerillos, Mendoza, with one race watched by the Governor of Mendoza and representatives of the many organisations and sponsors involved in these championships. Marta Hlavaty (POL 111) finished these championships as she started - with a winning race. The podium finishers were: 1. Marta Hlavaty, Poland Last day of the World Championships in Argentina was quite stressful, but not because of my race …. The women's situation was clear after yesterday. We had only to sail in a race that did not get the DND, which you can not discard from overall results. I won a third consecutive title of World Champion! I am very happy!!! Stress on the last day redirects to race of my brother, who was fighting for a bronze medal … Nervous ending was it in the male fleet. Im often more nervous when my brother is racing rather than me. Silver was taken by Morane Demont from Martinique. I have to admit that a very young 16 year old Morane did really well on the water, and I had a great sailing with her in Mendoza! The third place went to Farrah Hall from the USA. I managed to win the World Championship in Formula Windsurfing third time in a row!. I want to thank a lot my sponsors Starboard, MauiSails, Sieplywa.pl, EnergySports and the Polish Yachting Association for great support! We missed this year, some good athletes at the start, but I hope that in coming years, more girls will get in the Formula Windsurfing class and we will be more in the women's fleet. Maybe more girls from RSX will motivate to that part of windsurfing. I encourage all the girls, it's really fun and interesting part of windsurfing. For us it was a really long day … pretty tight race, packaging equipment, arranging transfers to the airport, complete, and the time and still need to eat … to finally go to the party ;) to celebrate with all the other players this week of great racing. I must admit that after a long break (7 weeks in a cast), it's hard for me to describe how wonderful it is to return to sailing and competing especially in such a beautiful place, spending time with great people. Day after tomorrow we go back home. I'll write more impresion from the competition when I get home, when it will be a little bit more quiet, then I promise to put more photos cause I have a lot of nice pics from here, but we have really slow internet. Cheers, Marta Hlavaty From Marta's Website: http://www.martahlavaty.com/
For full results, photo gallery and daily reports : http://www.formulawindsurfing.org/ |
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