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Organisation/Event Manual/Event Manual 8 -11

A. Chief Measurer & Race management Consultant

i. The chief measurer for the event shall be nominated by the IWA/Class. He will measure the equipment on registration according to the class rules.

ii. The race management consultant is there to assist your race team and shall also be available to run a seminar as required. (see following job description)

iii. They shall receive at accreditation, or prior:

Free airfares/transfers to & from their place of residence only.

Free accommodation in a 3 star hotel

Daily subsistence or daily allowance for meals to be paid on arrival

Free entry to all official functions

'Goody bag' containing free give-aways.

Free transport to/from the race site & harbour under their direct control

B. International Jury ( see detailed note on "Provision for Judges" at the end of this section)

i. This shall be constituted according to the ISAF Rules.

ii. Jury members shall receive at accreditation, or prior:

Free airfares/transfers to & from their place of residence only.

Free accommodation a 3 star hotel

Daily subsistence allowance for their stay to be paid on arrival

Free entry to all official functions

'Goody bag' containing free give-aways.

Free transport to/from the race site & harbour under their direct control

iii. They shall be accredited at a convenient moment.

C. Competitors & their equipment

i. All equipment to be used by a competitor during the regatta shall be presented for measurement prior to registration; said equipment shall be scheduled on a designated numbered form available from the chief measurer. When the equipment has been duly checked, approved, numbered with the form number, stamped and scheduled the competitor may register.

ii. In return for their entry fees, competitors shall receive the following at check-in:

Tickets to enable free entry to all social events.

Event Programme (see section on publicity)

Beneficial rates for airfares which shall include free equipment transport.

Ditto on hotels/self catering apartments/camp sites.

Ditto on van/car hire

Event T-shirt

'Goody bag' containing free give-aways.

iii. They have priority during accreditation.

D. Coaches

i. A coach is any professional person employed to train/support at least one competitor during the event. They may be mandated by their MNA or privately employed.

ii. Coaches shall register at the secretariat on arrival and shall be given the same accommodation and transport costs as competitors.

iii. The LOA shall facilitate coach boat launching and recovery; provide free berthing; and advise where fuel can be bought close to the berth.

iv. Coaches may attend class general meetings and comments will be welcome from them.

v. Coaches have access to the board storage area.

vi. They shall conform with the prescriptions of the sailing instructions and the instructions of the LOA.

vii. When at sea, the coaches shall keep clear of the course area(s) specified in the sailing instructions.

viii. They shall take part in any search and rescue operation without favour to any particular sailors according to the quality of their boats and the weather/sea conditions.

ix. They shall be accredited at a convenient moment.

E. Volunteers.
i. No event could be run successfully without a small army of volunteers. They are very special people who are sometimes required to work long hours with little in return, except job satisfaction and..

Tickets to enable free entry to all social events.

Event Programme

Event T-shirt

'Goody bag' containing free give-aways.

ii. They shall be accredited at a convenient moment.

F. Journalists, TV production crew and Press Relations representatives.

All journalists, TV crew and press relation representatives shall receive the following at accreditation:

Tickets to enable free entry to all social events.

Event Programme

Beneficial rates for airfares (if not specially invited, when free).

Ditto on hotels (if not specially invited, when free).

Ditto on van/car hire (if not specially invited, when free).

Event T-shirt

'Goody bag' containing free give-aways.

G. Title Sponsors Representatives.
One representative from each title sponsor shall receive the following at accreditation:

Tickets to enable free entry to all social events.

Event Programme

Free hotel .

Free use of a van/car

Event T-shirt

'Goody bag' containing free give-aways.

H. Local associate sponsors & official suppliers.

One representative from each sponsor shall receive the following at accreditation:

Tickets to enable free entry to all social events.

Event Programme

Event T-shirt

'Goody bag' containing free give-aways.

I. Foreign associate sponsors & official suppliers.
One representative from each sponsor shall receive the following at accreditation:

Tickets to enable free entry to all social events.

Event Programme

Beneficial rates for airfares

Ditto on hotels

Ditto on van/car hire

Event T-shirt

'Goody bag' containing free give-aways.

J. IWA / Class Officials

Designated IWA / Class Officials shall receive the following at accreditation:

Tickets to enable free entry to all social events.

Event Programme

Free airfare

Free hotel .

Free use of a van/car

Event T-shirt

'Goody bag' containing free give-aways.



The Race Supervisor (RS) is the Official Representative of the IWA / Class on site during competition. The RS is responsible to the SA and competitors to ensure that competition is run in a manner which will ensure fair and equal competition in conformity with this manual and Class Technical Requirements. The RS shall:

i. Approve the regatta site including: storage, regatta office, press office, measurement area and equipment, race management equipment, marks, safety equipment and scoring system prior to the start of racing

ii. Be the ultimate authority in the interpretation of this manual;

iii. Approve the Sailing Instructions; approve changes to the SIs and Notices to Competitors.

iv. Work closely with the Assistant Race Supervisor (ARS);

v. Supervise the measurement and equipment control procedures both before and during the regatta.

vi. Supervise doping control procedures required by the Organising Authority and/or the ISAF

vii. To sight the starting line on one course area; identify OCS competitors; Have the authority to abandon or postpone racing (within the RRS); offer advice to the PRO on general race management issues including scheduling of start times.

viii. Direct other aspects of the competition such as competitive schedule, laying of courses.


The Assistant Race Supervisor (ARS) is appointed for Regional, Continental and World Championships as well as for any approved or sanctioned prize money events to assist the Race Supervisor (RS) and your Race Committee. He/She will have three main functions:

i. to act as a consultant providing feedback to the Race Officer on one course area to help ensure a fair and consistent standard to competition, free of national bias.

ii. to sight the starting line and identify OCS competitors in consultation with the PRO and other officials

iii. to be consulted by the relevant race officer on any significant decision which may affect the outcome of a race or races and specifically in relation to setting the course and the lengthening or shortening of same.

iv. to make The decision to postpone or abandon a race.


i. The RS shall visit the regatta site and ensure that the site has the capability of hosting the competition. During the visit the RS shall inspect the site and ensure that the following aspects of the "IWA Event Guidelines governing Championships and Racing" are met:

Sanction of the National Authority;

Environmental conditions (wind, sea, current, water and air temperature);

Suitable shore facilities (regatta office, registration area, press centre, jury room, measurement area, board storage, gear storage, beach, etc.);

Race management facilities (committee boats, rescue boats, flags, marks and other race management equipment);

ii. The RS shall meet with and approve the qualifications of the following personnel:

Regatta Chairman: Safety Officer;

Principal Race Officer (PRO) Scorer

Each Course Chairman Beachmaster National Measurer: Competition Equipment Manager (boards Racks)

Jury Secretary.

iii. The RS shall inspect and approve the following:

Recommended accommodation;

Food and drink at the regatta site;

Provision of drinking water to competitors prior to and between races.

iv. Review and approve the social schedule with the Regatta Chairman.

v. After visiting the regatta site, the RS shall approve the variations to the standard IWA Sailing Instructions prepared by the IWA RMC in co-operation with the Regatta Chairman and his PRO.


Feedback Procedures

There will be a debriefing meeting after racing on each race day. This will include the IWA Race Supervisor and RMC, the PRO, AROs and other race management personnel as required. The main purposes of the meeting will be to: receive a brief report from each race area;

consider difficulties which have arisen and how they may be resolved;

take input from each RMC on any aspect of race management;

consider any potential amendments to the sailing instructions;

review any other aspects of race management including scheduling.


When, in the opinion of the RMC, an error has occurred and has not been subsequently rectified, or there is reason to believe that an error may occur, the RMC shall, in the first instance, discuss the matter with the PRO. If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved, it shall be raised at the daily debriefing meeting.

If the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved there, the IWA RS will address the matter with the Regatta Chairman (RC) & the PRO together.


. The RS shall prepare a report on the event for the IWA Executive Committee. The report shall contain:

A copy of the Sailing Instruction and Amendments.

All Notices to Competitors, including daily competitive schedule.

A summary of protest hearings and their results.

A report on measurement control.

A complete set of race results, including climatic data.


In the first instance and before the LOA has been awarded the "Event", he shall contact the local regional TV company and the National Sports Channel to agree their involvement in the event. These contacts should be seen as part of the local public relations project to maximize coverage of the event for your national sponsors. Given that the budget for video production is sufficient and the event sponsor’s ambitions require it, the IWA can co-ordinated the TV production & distribution of "Event" images internationally as part of a separate agreement with the LOA.

A. Production Company

i. The extent of this separate agreement depends on the funds available to finance the production costs and thus the size of the production unit on site;

ii. The IWA is in regular touch with several TV production companies and has experience in working with them on international events.

iii. If a local production company is contracted to produce event images, copies of all footage shot shall be provided to IWA;

iv. If a domestic or third party broadcaster is involved in domestic transmission, IWA retains the right of editorial input and requires that the broadcast footage contain IWA and relevant class logos.

B. On site TV Production Unit Infrastructure

i. The LOA shall provide dedicated stable fast boats with own drivers (see section 8);

ii. The LOA shall provide a helicopter for an agreed number of hours;

iii. None of the jet skis, boats, drivers shall have split duties. The LOA shall ensure that these facilities are entirely at the disposal of the TV Production Unit so that filming time can be maximized.

C. Copies of Event Videos

i. Complimentary copies of the edited video shall be made available for Event sponsors, competitor sponsors, the IWA and any classes involved.

ii. The IWA will sell event videos through its website.


The LOA shall include the following in his event budget.

A. Public relations campaign

i. This will start three months prior to the event internationally, continue during the event with daily press releases and finish two months after the end of the "Event".

ii. The Event PR shall contact all of the windsurfing magazines worldwide and arrange coverage; discuss their requirements for photos; and arrange follow up stories.

iii. A strong local press campaign shall be undertaken by the LOA;

iv. If working with the title sponsor's appointed agency, every effort shall be made to ensure that their requirements are planned for well in advance;

B. Event Photographer

i. The LOA shall appoint an experienced event photographer used to shooting windsurfing images.

C. Sponsor Branding

i. The LOA shall agree the extent of branding opportunities available to each sponsor well in advance of the event opening. Branding opportunities include:

Race Buoys Interior press conference area

Stage for daily prize giving & press conferences. TV Production interview area.

Site Flag poles Official cars

Official documentation/web page Event helicopter

ii. The area just above the boom, on competitors' sails, is reserved for the title sponsor.

iii. Branding to competitor's Race vests is reserved for the Title sponsors.

D. IWA Sponsor Branding

i. The IWA has industry members. Each one is entitled to its flags/branding on site as agreed with the IWA

ii. The LOA shall provide the following branding opportunities for IWA Sponsors as a minimum.

World, Continental, Regional, Series Championships/Events:

Banners : round board rack, to beach front; Media Area; Interview Area

Flags: on official Mast ; on RC start boat(s); 10 other flag poles; Opening ceremony; Closing Ceremony

Other social functions -

E. Sail stickers/Competitors Race Vests

i. Sail Stickers shall comply with RRS Appendix 1. The LOA shall post a diagram, with the SA’s approval, specifying where and how the advertising stickers are to be applied.

ii. Each competitor may be issued with a lycra race vest. The Sailing Instructions specify that this shall be worn at all times whilst racing over other articles of clothing.

iii. The LOA shall provide additional race vests in yellow, red and blue. These will be awarded to the top 3 men/women daily to make them more identifiable to the press & public.

F. Website

i. The event website shall be updated regularly before the start of the event and shall contain extensive information about the race site, the surrounding region, the NoR, The Sailing Instructions, entry lists, daily results, media profiles on top competitors, daily reports, images of the race site and those on it.

ii. The LOA shall use the URL and passwords given him by the IWA.

iii. The LOA shall not change the passwords

G. E-mail database

i. The IWA will circulate press releases to its e-mail database of addresses on behalf of the LOA;

ii. The LOA may submit articles for inclusion in the IWA e-newsletter, subject to normal editorial controls.

H. Press Conferences

i. An Opening Press conferences shall be arranged with the approval of IWA.

ii. An IWA representative and title sponsors' representatives shall be included, in any such, for comment.

iii. They shall be held inside in a suitably branded area.

I. Daily Prize Giving

i. It is IWA's practice to hold a daily prize giving ceremony within one hour of the completion of the final race of the day.. The top three in each fleet shall receive coloured race vests (see Art E above). They shall also be given matching coloured discs to affix to their sails.

ii. Competitors shall also be awarded further small prizes, by arrangement with IWA and sponsors.

iii. If the top three changes from day to day, the competitors no longer featuring shall remove their identifying stickers and no longer wear their uniquely coloured vests.

iv. On completion of the final race on the last day, it is recommended that the overall winners 'receive' their trophies for the benefit of journalists, photographers and TV at the daily prize giving ceremony

H. Daily newssheet

i. A Team shall be set up to publish a daily newssheet for distribution to the public which shall contain information about competitors, results, special events, social events.

ii. The team shall be housed in an information centre, to deal with enquiries from the general public and sell event merchandise and raffle tickets.

I. Raffle tickets

i. It is recommended that the LOA set up a raffle, with official suppliers and associate sponsors providing prizes

ii. Tickets shall then be sold to the general public and spectators visiting the race site.

iii. The raffle shall be drawn on the last day, prior to the daily prize giving ceremony, whilst the results computer is calculating the official final result.

J. Official Programme

i. The LOA shall produce an official programme for the event and to include:

· Letters of welcome;

· Background information & Map of the locale including Tourist Sites, restaurants, night-clubs, bars clearly identifying the race site and the Harbour;

· Detailed site plan identifying board racks, rigging area, competitors village, beach office, Regatta Secretariat, Jury Room, Jury Secretary's Office, official flag pole, press Office, TV Production Office, first Aid posts, parking, launching area, confined bathing area, Racing Areas and Physiotherapy Rooms;

· Course Diagrams;

· Profiles of top competitors

ii. The production of this publication shall be self financing, through the sale of advertising to local businesses and sponsors.

iii. IWA reserves the right to insert:

A4 page colour advertisement on behalf of its Corporate sponsors (Free)

A4 page colour advertisement on behalf of itself (Free)

Half page editorial on behalf of Class Chairman with photograph. (Free)

Half page editorial on behalf of the President of IWA with photograph (Free
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