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Organisation/Event Manual/Event Manual 5 -7

Infrastructure to be provided by the LOA

A. Racing Area.

i. The open area of sea/water shall be sufficient to comfortably take two racing areas each with a windward leg length of 1500 metres. (see course diagrams attached)

ii. The area shall have a small tidal range allowing courses to be set close to the regatta site, at all stages of the tide and allowing easy spectator viewing.

iii. Water depth shall be such that the race committee can set/alter the course without undue problem or delay to the racing schedule.

iv. The holding ground shall be such that marks will hold in 40 knots of wind.

B. Wind

i. Mean wind speeds for an acceptable site shall be between 6 and 30 knots for the period of the event.

ii. The prevailing wind shall be on shore or cross shore.

C. Marks & Ground Tackle.

i. Marks shall be 2.0 metres high and either round or tetrahedral in shape. They shall not have net covers. They shall be bright orange, yellow, lime green or black in colour.

ii. Port end start/finish line marks shall be red round buoys approx. 0.6 meters in diameter capable of carrying flags as specified in the Sailing Instructions.

iii. All ground tackle shall be capable of holding, for prolonged periods, in 40 knots of wind.

D. Port facilities.

i. A well protected harbour shall be close to the race site

ii. The LOA shall arrange for free berthing all craft associated with the regatta including coach boats.

iii. Fuelling shall be available.

E. Race Committee Boats.
i. RC boats shall be capable of staying anchored on station in up to 40 knots of wind, for prolonged periods.

ii. There shall be sufficient ground tackle on boards each boat to anchor in these conditions.

iii. Each boat shall fly a flag (600x400), the designated colour of the course, to which it is attached.

iv. The following are the requirements for boats per course area...

1no. Starting vessel -Large yacht capable of carrying all flags specified in the SIs

1no. Port end start boat -Fast dry boat.

3no. Mark control boats -Fast dry boats for moving marks quickly & taking mark roundings.

1no. Finishing vessel -Fast dry boat capable of moving quickly to reset finishing line.

F. Flags/sound signals specified in the Sailing Instructions

i. These shall be a minimum of 500mm x 700mm in size.

ii. On the RC vessel, these shall be on a horizontal beam, in the case of a yacht, or on long staffs if not and shall be easily visible by all competitors during the starting sequence.

iii. The pin end start boat shall carry a general recall flag / sound signal.

iv. Mark Control boats shall carry IC Flags S, M, C plus a red rectangular panel and a green triangular panel.

G. Equipment to carried by RC vessels, safety, press and jury boats.

i. This list is not exhaustive and is additional to that normally carried by the skipper/owner....

4no. spare life jackets. flares for use in an emergency.

first aid equipment bottled water

H. Rescue/safety boats.

i. The LOA shall provide a minimum of 1 designated rescue boat with an experienced crews for every 25 competitors on the water. Crews shall be experienced in the art of rescuing windsurfers.

ii. Rescue boats shall be a minimum of 5.50 metres long and be rigid inflatables (RIBs), if possible.

iii. In an emergency, where there are very many competitors in need of rescue, the RC vessel or finishing boat shall act as mother ships to take rescued competitors on boards whilst streaming equipment on lines astern. They shall be capable of taking large numbers of rescued competitors on boards. Rescue boats should return rescued competitors to mother ships rather than to the shore.

iv. Coach boats can act as rescue boats in a dire emergency but shall not be counted on until the RC abandon all racing.

I. International Jury boat

The LOA shall provide one dedicated fast, dry boat to be at the disposal of the chairman of the International Jury.

J. Chief Measurer's boat

The LOA shall provide one dedicated fast, dry boat to be at the disposal of the chief measurer, at all times.

K. Coach Boats.

i. Coach boats are permitted on the water.

ii. A general coach boat(s) shall be provided for coaches who cannot afford to charter their own boat. The cost of this can be shared between the coaches concerned if the event budget cannot cover it.

iii. The LOA shall make rigid inflatables of a minimum length of 5.25 metres available for charter to coaches.

iv. Each coach boat shall carry the national flag of its charterer as specified in the sailing instructions.

L. Press Boats/jet skis/helicopter.

i. Dedicated fast dry boats shall be provided that also offer a steady platform. These shall be completely under the control of the event press officer.

ii. A suitable jet ski shall be provided for the event photographer.

iii. An event helicopter shall be provided, at pre-arranged times, for use by the event photographer/film unit.


A. PA System

i. This may play music, much as a popular continuous music radio station.

ii. The radio mike shall, automatically, be able to cut out the music for immediate announcements.

iii. Loudspeakers should be numerous to allow the system to remain audible by competitors and public alike without having to turn up the volume so that it disturbs the local population unduly.

iv. A loop should be provided through to the press room.

v. It should cover the board storage area, competitor's village, the beach, spectator viewing points and the car park. (see Beach Office for further details)

B. Shore based radio net.

i. A 29meg. radio net shall be provided. The base station for same shall be located in the beach office.

ii. Those issued with hand held radios shall be the class race supervisor, jury chairman, jury secretary, security at board storage area, results office, protocol, press office and regatta secretariat.

iii. The Press room shall be provided with an additional separate channel, with which to conduct their business on site and 6 hand held radios.

iv. One Charger shall be provided with each hand held radio supplied. The LOA is responsible for ensuring that radios are charged.

C. Office Communications

i. The following phone/fax lines shall be provided with fast modern fax/telephones.

- Regatta Secretariat (3no); Beach Office (2no), Results Office (2no.) Jury Secretary's area (1no.), Press Office 6no.), TV Production Office (1no.)

ii. The Press office should also be provided with an ISDN line.

D. Radio Call Signs/Telephone numbers.

Each key official or named shore based office shall be supplied with a list of the following call signs/phone numbers: (see Results office for further details)

- Ship to shore call signs for Principal Race Officer; 29 meg. users & channels; Phone numbers of site based phone lines and their locations (one number for the press office only); Home phone numbers of key local staff inc. security chief & Race Officers; The official event doctor; Local hospital & contact name; Physios; Local meteorological Offices

E Ship to shore radio net.

i. The LOA shall ensure that race committee, rescue, press, jury and measurer's boats carry ship to shore radios.

ii. Each course area shall have a separate channel.

iii. A 3rd channel shall be provided for the safety boats use (not channel 16).

iv. All necessary permits shall be provided by the LOA to allow IWA / class officials to operate said radios.


Opening Ceremony & Welcoming Party

A. Outline

i. The opening ceremony must be a dignified occasion befitting the opening of a major Championship.

ii. Teams may process carrying Flags or national names.

iii. Facilities for sponsors, TV, press, officials guests and spectators are required.

iv. A flag hoisting ceremony may be incorporated into the proceedings. This shall involve the following flags only:


Host Nation

Host Club

Title Sponsor

vi. Speeches shall be kept short. The following shall be asked to speak

IWA representative

Organising Committee Representative

Host National Authority

. Title Sponsor

vi. The formal opening ceremony shall be separated from the following welcoming party.

vii. Competitors shall serve themselves from the food buffet. Plentiful liquid refreshments shall be served but only a limited amount of alcohol.

viii. Food etc shall be served “restaurant style” to key guests of the organising committee including...

. Regatta officials and their guests (Jury, Measurers, IWA personnel, RC)

Key facilitators & sponsors

ix. The welcoming party shall be free to competitors, class officials, coaches etc.. Friends/Family members of competitors may attend the party but shall buy an admission ticket.

Prize Giving & Closing Ceremony

C. Outline

i. The closing ceremony shall a dignified occasion, enabling all competitors, coaches, team leaders, VIPs, invited guests, officials, sponsors, press, TV and others to be involved. The ceremony should take place in the early evening and all medal winners shall be in their national team clothing

ii. A closing banquet/BBQ/ buffet shall be arranged for later the same evening in an informal atmosphere. The two events shall be clearly separated.

iii. The first ceremony shall be for overall medal winners to be presented by the title sponsors and to the press in a sober and professional manner as it is an official affair. (Final results sheets shall be freely available).

iv. The second event will be high spirited and shall be held in a marquee or similar area where decorations are not of importance and is for the benefit of the competitors and their supporters. Music and entertainment shall be laid on.

D. Prize Giving Procedure.

i. The following shall be invited to make a short speech.....

Title Sponsor's representative

Chairman of the Organising Committee

IWA Representative

Local VIP

ii. The prize giving shall then follow with the major medals awarded in reverse order.

iv. After each group is formed on stage they shall take a bow together and be asked to stay back at the end of the ceremonies for further photographs and interviews with the press.

v. Having finished the official ceremony, the assembled company shall be asked to move off to the 'closing banquet'.

E. Closing party

i. Food shall be served immediately and again a very limited amount of alcohol shall be available free. A pay bar shall be available.

ii. Music and entertainment shall continue until the early morning!!
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