Please note: The following text, and sections published on subsequent pages on this website, are for guidance only, and do not form any part of any contract.
Applications to host a sanctioned event shall be received between 18 months of the dates proposed.
Phase 1: - Initial bid letter from prospective LOA
A prospective event organiser should write to the IWA Office to express interest in organising a sanctioned or approved event, giving details of the type of championship proposed (world, continental, regional or series), the event site, background information on previous regattas organised, the experience of his local race committee and indicating one or more date/year preferences. Tourist brochures of the area proposed should also be included giving an idea of the cost of airfares from major world airports.
The IWA will check whether there is a member National Windsurfing Association in that country as well as a paid up National Class Association for the relevant discipline and advise the class concerned that they have received an outline bid. The IWA will then acknowledge the application and forward the standard MOU together with the relevant class technical criteria.
Phase 2: - Confirmation of acceptance of MoU by LOA
The LOA should then confirm by e-mail that he…
- Accepts the terms of the MOU;
- Agrees to attend the Class AGM;.
- Proposes dates for the site visit.
Phase 3: - Site Visit by IWA/Class Technical delegate
The purpose of the site visit is to examine the facilities at the race site, hotels, camp sites, self catering apartments, examine the proposed race committee boats, see the racing area, establish a rapport with the local authority, meet the LOA's Race Director and Event Chairman and run through this Appendix in detail.
The site visit should take place at least 12 months prior to the first published day of the championship. A report will be prepared and circulated to the class committee concerned for discussion.
Phase 4: – Preparation of detailed bid by prospective LOA
After a successful site visit, the prospective LOA should prepare a detailed bid covering the topics set out below
- Specify type of event - Sanctioned/ Approved- Event/Championship (World, Continental, Regional or Series)
- Event budget
- The Management Team
- The Race Committee
- Shore Based Facilities (Section 4)
- Water Based Facilities (Section 5)
- Weather Data (5 Years) – Air/Sea Temperature;
- Outline of opening and closing ceremonies (Section 7)
- TV Production & Distribution (Section 10)
- Publicity ( Section 11)
- Supporting letters from the National Sailing Authority, Municipal & district authorities, Tourist boards.
- Large Scale Chart showing racing areas, depth of water; tidal flow/range; race venue; harbour facilities;
- Detailed plan of the venue;
Phase 5: - Bid Evaluation.
On receipt of the detailed bid by the IWA office, a report shall be prepared by the technical delegate who made the site visit giving his/her evaluation of the bid and if necessary comparing its quality with that of other bids received to host the same event. This will be passed to the Class Committee concerned for their comments and advice.
Phase 6: - Invitation to attend Class World Championship
A short list of bidders will be drawn up after the evaluation process is complete. Those on the list will be invited to "Pitch" at the Class AGM.
Phase 7: - Awarding of Event.
Based on the pitches made and the report of the technical delegate, the class AGM will be invited to vote for the bid they most favour. The bid with the most votes is awarded the event subject to receipt of the sanctioning fee and final detailed negotiations.
An IWA sanctioned/approved event organiser who has completed the bid process and been awarded the "Event" stipulated in the relevant Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is granted the following rights for the period of the "Event" only:
a) Authority to contract facilities for the "Event" as required by section 8 of this document;
b) The right to seek local/national sponsorship for the "Event" and, with the written agreement of the IWA, contract with sponsors (See Art D below);
c) The right to provide merchandise for sale at the "Event" (See Art K below);
d) The right to provide sampling opportunities at the "Event" (See Art M below);
e) The right to raise funds, with the specific agreement of the IWA, for the "Event" by other means.
A. Legal authority
Any contracts, signed by the LOA, are his sole liability. The IWA is only bound by its agreement with the LOA and written confirmation of sponsorship details.
B. Insurance
i. It is the responsibility of the LOA, to arrange insurance cover for the event itself and associated functions, together with all designated event property, left within secured offices and the board racks;
ii. Public liability Insurance shall cover all the LOA's/SA's staff, sponsors and event officials;
iii. Insurances shall cover the Build up & Breakdown of the event infrastructure and personnel involved, not already covered by commercially contracted organisations.
iv. Competitor's equipment, not left within the board racks at night, is their own responsibility.
v. The LOA shall produce, on demand, a copy of the necessary insurance certificate
vi. The LOA shall provide for 24hr security cover for the period of the event as advertised in the NoR.
C. Permits & Licences
i. It is the LOA's sole responsibility, to obtain all necessary local permits and licences
ii. The LOA's shall be solely responsible, to ensure that any temporary structures meet local building regulations and have written agreement, from the necessary authorities, to erect them.
iii. The LOA shall produce all said documentation on demand.
D. Sponsorship
i. An LOA may seek sponsorship for its "Event" under the following categories:
Title Sponsor Associate Sponsor Resort Sponsor
ii. The Event Organiser's sail advertising shall comply with RRS Appendix 1.
iii. The LOA may grant official supplier status for a number of components of the event, such as:
Airline Car Hire Fuel
Bottled water Caterer Hotel
Carbohydrate loaded drinks Communication Equipment Infrastructure material
iv. The LOA may contract with prospective sponsor's of its "Event" provided that the IWA has agreed in writing, in advance to the individual sponsor and the relevant contract.
v. Any sponsorship not approved in writing in advance by the IWA is not legally binding on the IWA or the Class concerned.
F. Communication route & chargeables
i. All communications between the IWA and local sponsors/organisations will be conducted via the LOA, unless an alternative route is specifically requested by the LOA.
ii. Day to day liaison and communication with the IWA Office shall be via E-Mail.
G. 90 day cut off
In cases, where the IWA is in discussions with a sponsor, regarding any of the above categories, there will be a 90 day prior cut off point. This means that, if no agreement has been reached 90 days prior to the event, the IWA will not bring any sponsors to the event.
H. Event Logo
i. The LOA shall send the proposed "Event" logo (s) to the IWA for approval in advance of production & printing.
ii. The Title sponsor's logo, that of the IWA and any class's involved in the "Event" shall be incorporated into the "Event" logo and be included in all printed & electronic material including posters, flyers, brochures, letterheads, race vests, official uniforms etc.
iii. Associate and Resort Sponsors logos may appear in an appropriate size relative to their financial contribution.
I. Media evaluation
i. The LOA shall send the IWA a complete set of press cuttings & copy videos generated by his local PR team.
ii. If the IWA has contracted a Communications Agency to handle International PR for the "Event", the LOA will receive a copy of the press cuttings book & copy videos, when they become available.
J. Event Budget
i. The "Event" budget shall be produced by the LOA and submitted to the IWA with the bid document.
K. Merchandising.
i. Merchandising includes any form of branded product sold at the event, for example, T shirts, sweats, towels, programmes, mugs etc... The conditions for merchandising are...
a) merchandise may be sold in the month prior to, during, and one month after the event.
b) merchandise may be sold locally or through mail order, only.
c) the term merchandise applies strictly to promotional goods, i.e. goods with a retail value of less than Euro 30, on which one or more of the following appear either separately or together: the "Event" title, Event logo, sponsor's logos, event dates and/or relevant editorial. Thus, the term "merchandise" as defined in this document cannot be applied to goods of any sort with a retail value of over Euro 30
ii. LOAs or their local sponsors wishing to use the IWA or a class logo, more extensively, should contact the IWA Administration Office, in the first instance
L. IWA Merchandising
The IWA and the classes reserve the right to promote, advertise, market and sell their own, range of merchandise at IWA sanctioned events.
M. Sampling
Sampling refers to the opportunities created, for a manufacturer or distributor, to offer free samples of a product to the crowds attending events. If sampling is offered, the LOA shall advise the SA in writing of .....
the number of sponsors staff involved on site in sampling.
the exact nature of what is being offered
the amount of product being sampled.
AND obtain the SA's agreement
N. Indirect Sampling
Some companies may offer support, in the form of free products for competitor packs or give-aways of branded product. This is a valuable method of adding extra value for competitors and audience. LOAs must be careful to ensure give-aways, like sampling, do not conflict with other sponsorship support of the event. Permission to distribute give-aways has to be treated like sampling and is subject to the conditions described above |