Next year the Multivan Windsurf Cup, Germanys highest windsurfing series will get more spectacular and much easier to follow. The overlap between the different racing disciplines is removed and Germany will focus on a spectacular slalom format.
"I am pleased with the clear vote of the GWA members. In future the Multivan Windsurf Cup will serve even better its role as a national top series bridging the gap from amateur racers to top riders who are oriented towards PWA and IFCA. The Multivan Windsurf Cup also offers iQFOiLers an excellent opportunity to take part in high-class events in Germany. By concentrating on slalom as the only racing discipline, the focus will be even more on the fun of surfing and contest in the future," says Matthias Regber from Choppy Water GmbH who is organizing the events.
Germany was always running multi-discipline-regattas in the past. Racing (Formula Windsurfing) was run at the same regatta as Slalom (IFCA) and competitors could choose if they wanted to compete in which of the discipline they wanted to compete or also participate in both which the vast majority did.
But due to the recent developments this proved to create more and more confusion for the media, organization and even riders. With iQFOiL the focus of the discipline „racing“ shifted to slalom formats for low winds. And at the same time foil slalom offered the potential to move the wind limit for slalom down to 7 knots like for racing. It got more and more difficult to separate the two disciplines from each other even for riders and the organization itself.
Competitors who wanted to be competitive on the highest level in both disciplines were forced to invest into two foil setups: One for Racing with a 100cm board, 1.000 front wing and 10sqm sail and a second one for foil slalom with a 91cm board, 900 and smaller front wings an 9sqm and smaller sails.
It was obvious that it couldn’t go on like this. After an intense discussion the voting members of the German Windsurfing Association had the chance to vote for the future format. The outcome was clear: Two thirds (66%) voted to concentrate on the slalom format for the future. The arguments were clear: more clarity, easier to understand and to communicate, less costs, more fun.
As a consequence the Multivan Windsurf Cup as leading national series in Germany will fully focus on the slalom format in the future as only racing discipline. Races may be started with a wind limit of 7 knots. The standard course options are downwind slalom, figure eight slalom or long distance races. Any registered series production boards are allowed. This also includes iQFOiL, iQFOiL Youth & Junior and Techno Wind Foil (TWF) equipment.The riders may decide for each race or each heat if they want to use a foil or a fin ("riders choice"!).
The new format in the Multivan Windsurf Cup is oriented at the PWA and future IFCA Slalom formats as well as the light wind foil slalom option at the olympic iQFOiL Class. The new system reduces the the complexity and at the same time offers the best platform for a vast majority of riders.
"In the Multivan Windsurf Cup, we will in future concentrate on the slalom discipline with open material. I think that this will allow us to greatly reduce the equipment requirements (2 boards and 2 to 3 sails should be quite competitive), which will certainly suit many participants. Even with the iQ-Foil equipment, which many have bought, participation in the low-wind area is guaranteed. Ultimately, the format is also more viewer-friendly and more exciting. In terms of media, an important factor that ultimately benefits the participants again. There are also no waiting times for course and discipline changes and many races are secured. I also think it's important for the racers that they can focus. You can concentrate on slalom and there are no leaps of thought between the disciplines. I think that will actually show up in better results here and there. Overall, I'm excited and looking forward to the new season,“ summarizes Gerd Prien as president of the German Windsurfing Association (GWA).
Summary of the new slalom format in the German Multivan Windsurf Cup:
Only one speed oriented discipline "Slalom"
Start with a wind limit of 7 knots
Standard course formats: downwind slalom, figure eight (hallfwind) slalom
Any registered series production boards may be used. This also includes iQFOiL, iQFOiL
Youth & Junior and Techno Wind Foil (TWF) equipment.
Riders may choose any time if they want to compete with a foil or a fin
Clear focus on PWA, future IFCA slalom and the iQFOiL low wind slalom format