To meet the big demand from foilers for information about events in 2020 the iQFOil class have published a calendar. The calendar will expand over the next weeks as further specific iQFOIL Class events are added.
We can announce that both an iQFOiL European and iQFOiL World Championships for 2020 are confirmed or about to be confirmed. There are also many foiling events scheduled for 2020 that are open to iQFOiL racers. They include:
- Formula Foil Championships, where Formula Class Rules apply, and all iQFOil equipment is class legal;
- Windfoil Open events, where flexible equipment rules apply and are published in an event Notice of Race;
- iQFOiL Open events, where iQFOiL equipment limitations apply, but allow multi brand participation.
A full Championship calendar (World and Continental) is planned for 2021.
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