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Formula and Raceboards Combine for Oceanics, Australian Titles
Posted On:  27/11/2017 12:18:56

Queensland, Australia. Beautiful one day, perfect the next. Or so the advertising slogan goes. One way to improve on perfection is to add some windsurfing!  So in pursuit of superlatives, two windsurfing classes will combine for their Oceanic and Australian championships in January at Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron in Manly, Brisbane.

The Raceboard and Formula Windsurfing classes will be joining forces, sharing a Race Committee with separate starts on the open water of Moreton Bay.  The event will run from Wednesday 17th to Saturday 20th January. More details here.

The Windsurfing Formula and Raceboard championships closely follow the 2018 Australian Youth Championships  at RQYS from 11-15 January 2018, which incorporates the Bic Techno 293 Oceania Championship. So there's the opportunity for a prolonged family windsurfing holiday!

Race Officer John O'Brien will be running the show in his inimitable style, supported by the incredibly professional team at RQYS.  The Raceboarders in particular have fond memories of this team and venue. The 2016 Raceboard Worlds were held at RQYS and the competitors enjoyed excellent winds, beautiful sunshine and great social events.  If you were there, you'll be rushing back. If you missed it, here's your chance.

Formula WindsurfingIFCA   Glide ISWCRaceboard  Division II  RsOne  Techno  Techno PlusiFoil Logo
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