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What a Week in Lorient!
Posted On:  30/07/2017 08:16:06

12 races in great conditions, wind averaging from 12-16 kts each day. Exciting and media friendly with the M course sailed for the first time in a high stake Techno293 event.

312 competitors from 25 countries came to France for the Europeans and battled it out for the titles. The battle of course being only part of the story as everybody involved praised the great atmosphere the organisers and competitors were able to create.

Good times for sure.

The introduction of the M course, a course chosen for the Youth Olympic qualifier a week earlier in Quiberon was a breath of fresh air the T293 sailors enjoyed. As Ezio Ferin the class president said after the prize giving ceremony, "I liked the event a lot, a lot because the kids were very happy and when the kids are happy I'm happy.

It was windy and it was wavy. The conditions here are superb and the organisation was good, Lorient is a good venue for future events. We'd just need to find more space as the Worlds would hopefully bring an even bigger number of sailors than what we had here," he added summarizing the event.

In the largest Youth Boy fleet it was Fabien Pianazza from France in top spot. Fabien was first introduced to international T293 competitions when his sister won the event in Brest, now in Lorient his younger sister is here, so it all runs in the family. Second on the podium was Tomer Vardimon from Israel and third Nicolo Renna from Italy.

The rest of the fleets were dominated by Israel. A great championship for them. In the Youth Girl Linoy Geva came first followed by Faustine Manhes from France and her teammate Maya Ashkenazi. The Junior fleets again Israel on top spots. Top place in Junior Boy went to Daniel Basik Tashtash, Gaspard Carfantan from France was second and Yali Achitov from Israel was third. Israel, France, Israel was also the order for the Junior Girl fleet. Daniela Peleg was first, Mathilde Garandeau second and Sharon Kantor third.

So thank you Lorient!

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